Grundtvig Learning Partnership 2008-2010
Narrated Biography – Story Management for Adult Education”
Biographically oriented adult education is based on the assumption that informally acquired competencies in human experiences and actions have the form of stories. The purpose is a pragmatic one: Let’s take our organization, our country, the process of European unification and make a good story out of it! The project intends to tackle the concrete experiences made by the people living in the EU countries – here, in a model-like fashion, by the staff and learners from the participating partners. Thus, the partners’ interventions, facilitated by training in strategy and business development, communication and learner counseling, will be interrelated and made more effective. The communicative dialogue on the individual + the common work/view on (hi)story will represent both the central topic and the workplace of the learning partnership.
The following different perspectives are considered to be worth to be discussed among the participating partners:
- he biography and the one’s own self,
- the unknown and foreign from the foreign culture perspective,
- the educational context of the learning partnership,
- the unknown and foreign biography from one’s own perspective,
- the other’s judgement on one’s own story,
- the attitude and the validation towards story management in EU countries.
The project will provide a framework for competencies, reflection and tools in order to attract greater notice to biographies and story management in the sphere of adult education. The approach is trans-disciplinary and builds on narrative theory in psychology, cognition theory, theology, and sociology. However, it also exploits concepts from management, marketing and strategy development. The web-based handbook will assemble the produced documents, stories, narrative patterns and interventions. Stories create a sense of community; as a narrative identity, the history of the Ewill emerge from the stories told by members of the EU in the framework of the partnership.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.