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Grundtvig Learning Partnership 2012-2014

MATRIX EU-loaded

MATRIX EU-loaded: Valorization, Sustainability and Business Models in Adult Education

This Grundtvig learning partnership wishes to explore the aspects of valorization and sustainability as well as the development of adequate and suitable “business-models” in adult education in order to profit better and/or more from the EU best practice on national level. The Grundtvig adult education programme, a part of the "Lifelong Learning Programme since 2000, is valued as an important means to reach the EU2020 and the ET-2020 goals.


Being a place to experiment, many valuable ideas and products have been developed already. This is where the learning partnership kicks in:

  • to analyze and describe suitable ways to find, explore and use the results of innovative adult education projects with regards to organization with no / with European experiences.


  • ...has become a major criterion within the development of European projects and products. Experience –even of organizations having been working long-term on European level- shows, that the achievement of sustainability in the educational sphere, specifically around disadvantaged groups, is not easy to reach, as it seems to require a comprehensive approach also on organizational level.


  • in order to complete the general idea of making an EU-adult educational product sustainable, the partnership will also have a look at innovative business models for the adult education sphere and their transferability and usefulness.

The partnership consists of four adult education organizations (BE: EU WAREHOUSE (coordinator) /DE: Stiftung Liebenau /FR: ITG /DE: Diakonie Württemberg), which have previous experiences from European cooperation. The partnership wishes to embed European work achievements better in national settings and to profit more from results available on EU-level.

Outcomes and results, products:

MATRIX EU-loaded flyer

Matrix EU-loaded partner cooperation contract

MATRIX EU-loaded guidelines (Guidelines and report on valorization, sustainability, business models and their matrixes incl. best practice, project examples list, recommendations and criteria, 10-point-list)

MATRIX EU-loaded Leitfaden (deutsche Version)

MATRIX EU-loaded Mobility LOGs (compilation)

MATRIX EU-loaded: report on national transfer workshop

MATRIX EU-loaded: Newsletters: DE /FR/ BE / DE

MATRIX EU-loaded: Evaluation

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Matrix EU-loaded: Transnational Meetings

Transnational Kick off meeting 13.-16. September 2012 Stuttgart, Germany

Host: Diakonisches Werk der evang. Kirche in Württemberg e.V.

In the kick-off meeting the partnership focused on team-building measures and reviewed the work-program as well as project goals and tasks. General questions with regards to the partnership performance were discussed and details adapted. We spoke about our motivation and expectations with regards to the EU-partnership and finalized our thoughts in a joint "code of conduct".

After presenting the work structure of the project, we started with the introduction to the "valorization topic".

Agenda // Minutes

See pictures from Stuttgart.

Transnational meeting, 13.-16. December 2012, Paris, France

Host: ITG

Building on the brainstorming session in Stuttgart, partners started to work on the "valorization" topic in Paris.

Each partner had conducted a research in an European databank and / or chose an own or other "product" from a European project in order to use it as an example throughout the project. Each partner had also performed a research in a European databank (or other), in order to use an existing solutions for an innovative ICT-support for our own project, which we will transfer for our needs.

We familiarized ourselves with with the idea of a "valorization matrix" and we worked jointly on its creation.

Agenda //Minutes

See pictures from Paris.

Transnational meeting 11-14 April 2013, Munich, Germany

Host: Stiftung Liebenau

The third meeting was, among other, dedicated to the topic "sustainability" in EU and other definitions as well as to sustainability as an EU-criterion in projects and the steps to follow on organizational level.

In various workshop session the partners developed ideas and best practice with regards to the use of a sustainability matrix and share their findings in "lessens learned" and recommendations.

Agenda // Minutes

See pictures from Munich.

Transnational meeting 4-7 July 2013, Brussels, Belgium


The partners specified the results and exchanges so far: Sustainability as an EU-criterion in projects and the steps to follow on organizational level.

Sustainability was put in action: We experimented how to use this criteria in work groups (how to achieve sustainability in the education sphere; looking at comprehensive approaches on organizational level (and further levels)).

The partnership started drafting and developing a guideline of criteria which would make it more likeable that EU-projects have a long-term and useful impact on the national work.

AGENDA // MINUTES // Workshop 1 // Workshop 2

See pictures from Brussels.

Transnational meeting 14-17 November 2013, Paris, France

Host: ITG

The partners started a new matrix chapter: Social economy, social enterprises, innovative business models in adult education. We looked at various business models for the adult education sphere and there transferability and usefulness.

Agenda //Minutes

See pictures from Paris.

Transnational meeting 30.01.-02.02.2014, Munich, Germany

Host: Stiftung Liebenau

Innovative business models and concepts in the educational and social sphere. Best practice from the Stiftung Liebenau:Topics “money & sustainability”. We discussed preconditions for a sustainable social sector/entrepreneur:

Involve clients in finance (fees) / Start only with sufficient funds (except models); Importance of connection with stakeholders (“third parties”) / Impacts or synergy impacts: difficult to be defined (qualitative and quantitative). Workshops: WORKSHOP "Advantages of a partnership approach (what kind of funds available, impacts, obstacles…)? How is it profitable?"

Agenda //Minutes

See pictures from Munich.

Transnational meeting 4-6 April 2014, Stuttgart, Germany

Host: Diakonisches Werk der evang. Kirche in Württemberg e.V.

As part of the 7th transnational meeting, the partnership had planned a national transfer event in order to test and transfer the MATRIX EU-loaded results with “external users”.

In the Matrix EU-loaded “European”-Café” the Matrix team collaborated with the “external” participants. In three interactive workshops around the “valorization matrix”, the ”sustainability matrix” and the “social business matrix” we managed a highly successful transfer of the project instruments to national / user level!

Agenda //Report from (trans-)national transfer workshop

See pictures from Stuttgart.

Transnational meeting 5-7 June 2014, Brussels, Belgium


The final meeting was mainly dedicated to review the results of the national transfer event and the evaluation of the MATRIX project.

Agenda //guidelines // evaluation

See pictures from Brussels.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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