Since 2004, EU WAREHOUSE engages in informing, counseling and training related to European policies, to European funding/tendering and to European best practice, covering:
- European content and project development & management,
- developing European business segments (education, social affairs, employment, youth, entrepreneurship, migration, health, regional development),
- training of CEO's, management personnel, project managers etc.,
- training and counseling related to European funding streams,
- European network development,
- understanding European policies and transfering them to national level,
- know-how management for various private and public institutions,
- EU-project quality assessments and evaluations,
- development of high-level European know-how as well as EU- and dissemination related events and products.
EU WAREHOUSE develops creative future orientated concepts (not only on educational an vocational training issues) based on profound knowledge of EU-policies and enables the exchange of information and best practice and its dissemination.
EU WAREHOUSE counsels partners to work on EU-level strategically in order to achieve higlevel local / regional / national / European impact. It also counsels partners in order to achieve a better understanding of the EU stakeholder and partnership approaches.
EU WAREHOUSE provides also in-depth knowledge on EU financial instruments (grants, tenders, EU programmes and budget lines, structural and regional funds).
The main topics covered are lifelong learning, adult education, vocational training, higher education, school education, youth and children, migration, health, information society, employment and social affairs (social inclusion, nondiscrimination, disability, gender related issues, elderly people etc.) as well as structural and regional policies.
EU WAREHOUSE provides tailor-made training for all topics mentioned above.