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Grundtvig Learning Partnership 2010-2012

How can we create spaces in which people with low educational achievement have the opportunity to bring together their ideas and experiences? How can we identify spaces in which common learning processes might originate? How can we generate the right atmosphere in these spaces – an atmosphere furthering the readiness of those present to get involved with one another and to engage in learning? How do spaces for encounter with the potential of inspiring on a long-term basis originate? Through learning effected at the club, at the cafe, at the museum, in the park, or in the botanic garden free spaces and opportunities should be created. Spaces for education are needed by those people who are willing to report on their experiences in a humorous way. Learning in drop-in centers or meeting places at which food is handed out to the needy, for example, also comprehends learning from failure and from what can be achieved in teamwork.

The project intends to give a chance to speak in unusual spaces of experience to those people who are threatened by poverty and social exclusion. In this way further notice should be attracted to the aspect of spatial settings in the further education of disadvantaged target groups. The methodology will both interlink psychology, theory of knowledge, social education, and social studies and exploit

concepts from architecture and cultural studies.

The website will collect the documents on experiential and spatial didactic produced in the course of the project and serve as an electronic guide. Spaces of experience will create a sense of community and offer the opportunity to connect theory and practice against the European lifelong learning-background.

The main common concern will be to consider constructive and creative learning options and to

create a strategic approach plan how helping skills and good learning and motivational conditions for disadvantaged learners can be created.

The desired effect is to improve skills and competences for the development of learning behavior, bringing together a range of institutions working with educational settings to reach adult learners with fewer opportunities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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