The Grundtvig learning partnership "AEforEU" endeavors to investigate into European adult education offers with regards to European policies and to European contents. Seven partners from Austria (VHS Wien / VHS Landstraße, Roma Kulturzentrum Wien), Sweden (Norrköpings Stadsmuseum), Germany (Sprachendienst Konstanz, Hamburger VHS), France (ID Formation) and Belgium (EU WAREHOUSE) will assemble a catalogue of good examples and best practice. A strong motive to all partners is to create and provide innovative education and information offers on European topics and issues.
Over a period of 24 month the Grundtvig partnership committed to take the following steps together in their workplan:
Exchange of Information on a European level:
- compilation of a catalogue of best practice examples of adult educational offers on European issues (collecting best practice examples, evaluation of attendance/interest, media coverage);
Report: What do EU-citizens want?
- development of a questionnaire on expectations and wishes (lectures, workshops, courses, panel discussions, play readings etc.);
- get information on how the gap on "Europe" could be closed by AE-institutions;
- publish a joint report based on the analysis of the questionnaires of all partner institutions;
A fresh touch for our working programs:
The exchange of information will lead to a new start in our efforts to present new ways of information, to find new target groups, to detect new ways of organizing educational offers. We want to improve the image of the European Union. The attitude towards the European Union has declined in the Member Countries. A comparison of figures (Eurobarometer 2001 and 2012) shows that the image of the EU (42% positive and 18% negative in 2001) is almost balanced ten years later: 31% positive and 28% negative in the member countries. Trust in the European Union, its institutions and organs went down from 41% to 31% within a decade. At the same time, only 21% of EU citizens feel well informed about the EU!
Find more: FACEBOOK
Kick-off meeting in VIENNA (Austria), 27-29 September 2013
The first transnational meeting was held in Vienna, Austria. The Austrian partner and coordinator "Wiener Volkshochschulen - VHS Landstrasse" had prepared a rich and exiting programme. The Vienna-team, Doris Zametzer, Herbert Depner, Karl Dworschak, Vera Havranek, Nigel James, treated us with a fantastic cooking workshop, delivered by Christian Klebinger.
The programme offered...
- Europe Talks: Germany, the strong woman in Europe
- Viennese Cooking workshop
- information, best practice, lively discussions
- dinner at a "Wiener Heurigen" and so much more... .
Please find more pictures here.
Transnational meeting in HAMBURG (Germany), 9-12 April 2014
The Hamburger Volkshochschule prepared the second transnational meeting, offering...
- a visit of a the course “Politics in the morning”
- a meeting with members of the programme department of Hamburger Volkshochschule: What are good subjects and formats for courses/learning about EU/Europe?
- a visit tot he "Info-Point Europa"
- a meeting with M. Roggenkamp, researcher (CONNECT EUROPE): research activities and plans regarding AE in EU and much more.
Transnational meeting in NORRKÖPING (Sweden), 3-6 July 2014
The host of the third transnational meeting, the Norrköping stadsmuseum, provided an exceptional and diverse programme. Starting the meeting with Swedish treats at “Grå Huset”, Norrköping’s educational department continued to deliver an agenda of high pedagogical standards.
The programme offered...
- Swedes& Snuff=True: an exhibition about snuff and EU
- workshop: forbidden substances and EU-restrictions
- strategies for a common EU-future
- common memories - common history
- guided tour in the industrial landscape
Transnational meeting in BASTIA (France), 8-10 October 2014
The IDF prepared the fourth transnational meeting, offering...
- Presentation of the Exhibition “International Work Camp" with “Etudes et Chantiers Corsica"
- "Learning about our territory": understanding the position of Corsica in the EU through its history
- European strategy of the Territorial Collectivity of Corsica (CTC): Examples of good practices to raise awareness of the EU in Corsica
- Morosaglia - Museum Pascal Paoli
- Corte: Museum of Corsica, Corsican Ethnographic Museum: Permanent exhibition on the history of Corsica; temporary exhibition on Corsicans and Corsica during the Great War Soveria
Transnational meeting in KONSTANZ (Germany), 8-11 April 2015
The Sprachendienst Konstanz prepared the fifth transnational meeting, offering...
- Best practice: Teaching Unit on the European Union (Integration Course)
- Tour through Konstanz
- Conference/Discussion with Dr. Peter Friedrich, Minister for the Bundesrat, Europe and International Affairs of Baden-Württemberg
- Visit to the exhibition „Konstanz around 1414 – urban daily routine at the time of the Council“
- Theatre visit: „Boston Princes“.
Transnational meeting in BRUSSELS (Belgium), 2-5 July 2015
EU WAREHOUSE prepared the final transnational meeting, taking place at the "Représentation de la Communauté germanophone de Belgique", Hôtel De Brouckère, rue Jacques Jordaens 34 ,1000 Bruxelles. offering...
- It’s the singer, not the song - the teacher / trainer in adult education for Europe: personality, role, skills, challenges…
- Best practice Best practice Best practice Best practice: MATRIX EU-loaded - valorization of the AEforEU best practices
- ATELIER DE RECHERCHE ET D'ACTION URBAINE – A European District in Brussels ( guided tour)
- cadavre exquis- AEforEU...getting visual
- AEforEU creativity slam (part I: preparation, part II: on stage)….getting creative
Please find the results and outcomes of AEforEU below:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.